Sunday, June 20, 2010

Beat number 1 killer, Heart Disease

Heart disease is something that we should not ignore this day because the disease is the number one killer around the world. It sounds horrible. However, you should not give up and live in anxiety.

Indeed, much thing that we can do for prevent heart disease be up to you. Heart disease does not happen overnight. Most diseases are caused by constriction of blood vessels are formed over the decades. The main cause is our lifestyle.

Research showed that people aged 50 years can be free from stroke and heart attack up to 40 years later when avoiding smoking, keeping cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar. "Stroke and heart attacks are the number one killer in the world,"

Recently the Association of Cardiologists of the United States again reminded of seven factors that can help us to beat heart disease and continue to live longer. What thats?

1. Never smoked or had stopped smoking more than a year.

2. Body mass index (BMI) of less than 25. BMI is calculated by weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in m). Thus, a person whose weight is 62 kg and height 170 cm, BMI was 62 / 1.70 x 1.70 = 21.4. BMI above 25 could be categorized as obese.

3. Exercising at least 150 minutes per week or 75 minutes for a more severe type of sport.

4. Eating healthy foods at least four types of recommended (fish, vegetables, fruit, enough water, reduce salt, etc.). Also consumption of vegetables and fruits rich of antioxidants.

5. Total cholesterol less than 200.

6. Maintain a normal blood pressure (120/80).

7. Fasting glucose levels less than 100.

Heart disease is something that we should not ignore this day because the disease is the number one killer around the world. It sounds horrible. However, you should not give up and live in anxiety.

Indeed, much thing that we can do for prevent heart disease be up to you. Heart disease does not happen overnight. Most diseases are caused by constriction of blood vessels are formed over the decades. The main cause is our lifestyle.

Research showed that people aged 50 years can be free from stroke and heart attack up to 40 years later when avoiding smoking, keeping cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar. "Stroke and heart attacks are the number one killer in the world,"

Recently the Association of Cardiologists of the United States again reminded of seven factors that can help us to beat heart disease and continue to live longer. What thats?

1. Never smoked or had stopped smoking more than a year.

2. Body mass index (BMI) of less than 25. BMI is calculated by weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in m). Thus, a person whose weight is 62 kg and height 170 cm, BMI was 62 / 1.70 x 1.70 = 21.4. BMI above 25 could be categorized as obese.

3. Exercising at least 150 minutes per week or 75 minutes for a more severe type of sport.

4. Eating healthy foods at least four types of recommended (fish, vegetables, fruit, enough water, reduce salt, etc.). Also consumption of vegetables and fruits rich of antioxidants.

5. Total cholesterol less than 200.

6. Maintain a normal blood pressure (120/80).

7. Fasting glucose levels less than 100.


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